Note: This website has limited usability with Internet Explorer. To get the most out of the content on this website, you should be using a current version of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox.

Statement on digital accessibility

Statement on accessibility from the Robert Koch Institute

This statement about accessibility applies to the Robert Koch Institute website currently available at

The Robert Koch Institute takes efforts to make its website accessible in accordance with the German Disability Discrimination Act (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz, BGG) and Accessible Information Technology Regulation (Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung, BITV 2.0). According to an internal test, the design of the website available at is not fully accessible currently. Once the revision of this Robert Koch Institute website has been completed, an independent BITV testing organisation will test its accessibility. The result of the test will then be published here.

Level of compliance with requirements

Parts of this website are not compliant with the BGG and BITV 2.0 due to the following exceptions.

Inaccessible content on the website

The content listed below is classed as inaccessible given its non-compliance with the BGG and BITV 2.0. We are working on resolving this as soon as possible:

  • PDF files: the alternative text that they contain is incomplete. They are not fully keyboard-operable. There are also contrast errors in certain parts.
  • Alternative text: it is incomplete for controls, graphics and objects.
  • Logical reading/navigation order: not offered in full for some elements such as screen reader software or keyboard operability.
  • Usability without referring to sensory attributes.
  • Usability without colours. All links look the same in high-contrast.
  • Content reflow. Currently not possible for mobile devices.
  • The contrasts in graphics and graphic controls are currently insufficient.
  • There are currently no alternatives for access.
  • Syntax is currently incorrect.
  • User-defined settings: colours (e.g. dark mode), contrasts and focus cursors are not supported correctly.

Accessibility statements of the apps

The accessibility statements of the individual apps can be reached under the following links:

Feedback and contact details

Have you noticed shortcomings in the accessibility of content on If so, you are welcome to contact us.

Robert Koch Institute


Germany’s Federal Government Commissioner for matters relating to persons with disabilities offers an Arbitration Service within the meaning of § 16 BGG.

The task of the Arbitration Service is to resolve disputes between people with disabilities and federal-government offices. You can turn to the Arbitration Service if you are not satisfied with the answers provided when using the contact options above. By using the Arbitration Service, the goal is to find a joint, out-of-court solution to a problem.

Arbitration is free of charge and you do not require any legal representation.

You can find all the information about arbitration on the Arbitration Service’s website. It tells you what happens in an arbitration process and how you can apply for arbitration. In addition to English, applications can also be submitted in German, simplified German or German sign language.

The Arbitration Service can be contacted at the following address:

BGG Arbitration Service
Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für die Belange von Menschen mit Behinderungen
Mauerstrasse 53
10117 Berlin
Telephone: +49 (0)30 185 272 805
Fax: +49 (0)30 185 272 901